Mr. Kiatisak Keshsathira, Manager Engineering Section of Sumipol Corporation Limited, shares the solutions of Lean IoT system, which will help the innovators to leverage the better metalworking manufacturing.

“Lean IoT is a system designed to help visualize manufacturing processes, addressing waste in real-time production. It comes with easy-to-install Sensor/Edge devices capable of displaying data in various applications, in terms of productivity, quality, and energy. It places importance on data security through cloud security systems.

“There is the driving force behind product development in the ever-changing economic landscape where every factory must tighten its belt and adapt quickly to such circumstances. Therefore, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology must be able to rapidly identify the process issues, allowing for prompt problem-solving and reducing unnecessary process waste, ultimately contributing to the company's profitability.

“Customer trust is built upon creating value in service and being there to help solve their problems, fostering true innovation that genuinely meets the needs. With our company's strength as a technology hub, working closely and sincerely with customers, and continuous human resource development in productivity, Sumipol Corporation Limited holds a special place in the hearts of the industrial sector.”